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samedi 28 avril 2012

zoro attacks

                                  RORONOA ZORO

  • Ashura Ichibugin (Asura One Fog Silver)

After using his Kiki Kyuutouryuu: Ashura move, Zoro charges at his opponent reducing all enemy attack to "mist" while he attacks him as well. This technique is very reminiscent of a move used by Kenshin Himura from the Rurouni Kenshin series called the Kuzu Ryuusen (Nine-Headed Dragon). The pun here is in "Ichibu-gin" a silver coin from the Edo period. 


  • Ashura: Makyuusen (Asura: Demon Nine Flash)

After using the "Kiki Kyuutouryuu: Ashura", Zoro stands behind his opponent, and without giving any reaction time, starts to go through your entire body with multiple thrusts, causing great damage. 


  • Dai Butsu Giri (Great Buddha Cut)

Zoro starts to jump on various structures to reach the summit of one. Once there, start making several cuts, which divide it into several parts that fall. This is an attack preceding the Sanji's attack "Jenga Hoy". The "Dai Butsu" is a large statue of Buddha. 


  • Dai Gekken (Great Fencing)

Incrusting Franky's "Heavy Nunchaku" in his swords and after being launched by Sanji's "Armée de l'Air Power Shoot", Zoro launches a powerful blow. 


  • Enbima Yonezu Oni Giri (Demon Cut of the Beautiful Demon of the Sleepless Night)

An upgrade of the Oni Giri, in which Zoro's swords seem to turn before the attack. The pun of the name is in Ma-Yo that makes the double meaning of rice balls with mayonnaise. 


  • Gazami Dori (Crab Grab)

Zoro poses himself above his opponent's neck with swords above and beneath, and brings the swords together in a vicious attack that would usually cut off a man's head. 


  • Gomu Gomu no Sanbyaku Pondo Cannon (Rubber Rubber 300 Pound Cannon)

A combo attack with Luffy, Luffy uses his Gomu Gomu no Cannon and Zoro uses his Hyakuhachi Pound Hou at the same time. 


  • Gyuki Yuzume (Brave Claws of the Demon Cow)

It consists of a raid over the adversary with a sword over his head and another one to the height of the waist, both aiming at the front as if they were horns. It finalizes with a braking and a cross of the three swords. 


  • Hidori Sanga Bakuretsu (Appointed Day's Natural Surroundings Exploding)

Zoro uses three baseball bat to hit three balls at the same time, but instead of returning the balls back, he finish destroying them. It was only used during the Baseball special. 

  • Hirameki (Flash)

One of Zoro's Nigiri Style attacks, Zoro slashes both swords to the right. The pun here is with the word "Hirame" which is a type of flounder sushi. 


  • Hiryuu Kaen (Flying Dragon Blaze)

A technique with one sword. Zoro concentrates all his spiritual energy, and with it, does a powerful cut. The wound caused by the thrust, generates a strange blue flame, which is able to completely burn the opponent. 


  • Hyakuhachi Pondo Hou (108 Pound Cannon)

The same technique as the Sanjuuroku Pondo Hou but this time made with three swords, tripling its power. 


  • Hyou Kin Dama (Panther Kin Ball)

Zoro crouches down on all fours like a panther, then pounces at his opponent while spinning in midair. "Kin" or "koto" is a traditional stringed musical instrument from Japan played using only three fingers similar to how Zoro uses three swords and Zoro's swords strike the opponent in a similar manner as the fingers of the koto player would pluck the strings. Also "hyoukindama" all together is to call someone stupid. 


  • Ichi Gorira, Ni Gorira (One Gorilla, Two Gorilla)

A power-up technique, Zoro tenses his arms, thus causing them to become more muscular. This technique is used to prepare for his Santouryuu: Nigorizake attack. 


  • Karasuma Gari (Crow Demon Hunt)

Zoro begins running towards the enemy, he charges with a jump and in the air he executes an attack in three times. 


  • Kiki Kyuutouryuu: Ashura (Demon Spirit Nine-Sword Style: Asura)

Zoro's strong spirit turns him into a three faces and nine arms demond. An Asura is a demigod/demon that appears in both Hindu and Buddhist mythologies with the same appearance that Zoro gained. 


  • Knee Crush (Knee Crush)

A combined attack with Franky. Using his swords, Zoro hits along Franky the knees of some gigantic opponent to meke him fall. 


  • Kokujou Oo Tatsu Maki (Ruination Great Dragon Coil)

A similar technique to "Tatsu Maki", but with the difference that the tornado is much larger and it's able to follow the opponents, according to Zoro's words, it can follow them "to the ends of hell". The kanji used in this attack means "Great Tornado of Black Strings", a reference to one of the hells of the Kingdom of the Narakas, where black lines are drawn along the body of the condemned so Yama's servants use these as guidelines for butchering the body. 

  • Maguma (Bear Demon)

A technique with two swords. Zoro puts his sword vertically upside down as a sequence to his horizontal attack "Hirameki". "Maguma" is a play on words with "magma". 


  • Mouton Jet Sanbyaku Pondo Cannon (Mutton Jet 300 Pond Cannon)

Luffy must be in Gear Second. It is a combination technique between Luffy, Zoro and Sanji. Using his attack Gomu Gomu no Cannon (Jet mode), Luffy assails his enemy, while Zoro is preparing his Sanbyaku Pondo Cannon and Sanjihis Mouton Shot. When Luffy recharge his energy, all three made a powerful attack that sends the opponent flying. 


  • Nanajuuni Pondo Hou (72 Pound Cannon)

The same technique as the Sanjuuroku Pondo Hou but this time made with two swords, dupling its power. 


  • Nigiri (Two Cut)

A basic Nitouryuu technique, with many variations, Zoro holds his two swords parallel to one another and slashes them at the same time creating two parallel cuts. These Nigiri style strikes are often used as combo attacks with one closely following another. The pun here is that "Nigiri" also means "handmade sushi", the type served on top of small clumps of rice and all of this attack’s variations are named after some type of sushi. 


  • Nigorizake (Twin Gorilla Slash)

After using his Ichi Gorira, Ni Gorira technique to strengthen his arms Zoro slashes all three of his swords together targeting the same place on the opponent's body with all three blades. The pun here is in "nigori sake" a milky drink with low alcohol. 


  • Oni Giri (Demon Cut)

It is Zoro's most common move. He starts with a sword in each hand and one in his mouth, and he crosses his arms. He then charges and performs two horizontal slashes at the same time by uncrossing his hands. The pun of the attack is that if we read "Onigiri" (all together) the meaning is "rice ball", in memory to Rika. 


  • Outourou (Tower Response)

One of Zoro's Nigiri Style attacks and a combo move with Tourou, Zoro jumps in the air and slices directly downwards. This is basically the same move as Tourou, just in the opposite direction, like giving a response to the first attack. "Outourou", spelled "Otoro", is blue-fin tuna sushi. 


  • Pirate Docking Six: Big Emperor (Pirate Docking Six: Big Emperor)

As in the old Japanese giant robots series, Franky adapts hos body so that Chopper (head), Usopp (right arm), Robin (left arm), Zoro (right leg) and Sanji (left leg) can dock in it, creating this way the definitive weapon. Unfortunately, Robin completely refused to participate in this spectacle. 


  • Rashomon (Rashomon)

The name of this movement is taken from the film of the master Akira Kurosawa, "Rashomon". Zoro use a Nittouryuu (two swords style) Iai (attacks drawing out of the scabbard) attack. Zoro uses it for the first time to cut the cars of a train by half. From there comes its name, since he oppens the door in his way "the gate of Rashomon" that we could westernize as "gate to hell". 


  • Rengoku Oni Giri (Purgatory Demon Cut)

Turned his back to his enemy, Zoro is in position to attack with both arms crosses with a sword in each hand and one in his mouth. Zoro then charges and performs a cross cut, just like with "Oni Giri", but with the difference that is much more powerful. 

  • Rokudou no Tsuji (Six Realm Intersection)

Zoro throws five vertical cuts and a horizontal one, capable of cutting a giant enemy, or part of it. The attack is a pun on "Six Paths Intersection", a road in Sendai, capital of the Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. 


  • Rokuoku Berry Jackpot (600.000.000 Berries Jackpot)

A combo attack between Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Robin and Franky against a group of many enemies who surrounds them. Luffy stretches his arm as when he uses "Gomu Gomu no Pisutoru", Franky launchs his fist as with "Strong Right", Zoro uses an aerial attack similar to "Karasuma Gari", Sanji a flying kick similar to "Mouton Shot" and Robin strangles a group of enemies as when she uses "Treinta Fleur Strangle". The name of the attack is the compensate sum of all their bounties, it's like the jackpot from a coin up machine. 


  • Sai Kuru (Cycle Rino)

Zoro puts two of his swords in front of him and makes an abrupt movement while he turns to extend them to his sides, creating small tornado around him. The pun of the attack is in if we read "Saikuru", all together, and with an English pronunciation, the result is the word "Cycle". 


  • Samon (Sand Crest)

One of Zoro's Nigiri Style attacks. Zoro slashes both swords in a downward left direction. "Samon" is a type of salmon sushi, usually smoked salmon. 


  • San Zen Se Kai (3000 Worlds)

Could either be translated as "3000 Worlds" or "The Entire World/Universe", this is Santouryuu's succession technique. He just spins his two swords in front of him, charges and then ends up in a crouched position with one sword in front and one behind. 


  • Sanjuuroku Pondo Hou (36 Pound Cannon)

The kanji can be read as "Thirty-Six Earthly Desires (Male) Phoenix". A one-sword technique where Zoro... fires his energy at the opponent. 


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